Clinical Trials

Dr. Ben-Zur during a procedure
We at the Cardiovascular Institute understand the importance of discovering and developing new forms of detection, prevention and treatments for cardiovascular health. It is for this very reason that our center takes an integrative approach in pioneering projects and programs aimed at improving basic understanding of heart and vessel diseases, and improving overall care for patients worldwide. Our research center collaborates with experts in many fields including surgery, internal medicine, academia, and community based hospitals to bring brilliant minds together to deliver the best possible care.
Our research team is composed of many doctors and researchers with many years of research experience in both laboratory and clinical settings with multiple publications. It is our hope that our team is able to take findings from our clinic and translate those results to improve care and management of our patients.
What is clinical research?
Clinical research is a patient driven area of research aimed at improving management and outcomes for diseases. This field of study is necessary in order to progress medicine to the next stage.
Please refer to the National Institutes of Health site for more information on clinical research.
Current Projects:
We are currently conducting studies aimed at observing the effects of a plant-based diet on cardiovascular health and related diseases.
- Retrospective Analysis on the Effects of Prescribing a Plant Based Diet on the Reduction of Medications.
- Prospective Study on the Effect of Life Style Modification on Progression of Cardiovascular Disease, GERD, and Type 2 Diabetes.
For Medical Students & Residents:
Are you interested in clinical research or QI (quality improvement) projects? Do you need to fulfill research requirements for your school? The majority of residencies, fellowships, and employers look upon research as an invaluable tool in a physician. Come to the Cardiovascular Institute to be a part of the many research projects under our team of physicians or propose a project you are interested in. We are open to any innovative study ideas. Research is open to medical students, residents, and graduate students. There are many options for research experience. No experience necessary. Please refer to for more information on clinical research training.
I. Rotating at the Cardiovascular Institute: For student planning on doing a clerkship with us, please contact us if you are interested in research so we can get a head start on getting you up to speed on the current status of the projects. You can also develop your own project with approval from the principal investigators.
II. Research Rotation: Want to do a research rotation, but don’t know where to start? Contact us to figure out about opportunities to do a research rotation at the Cardiovascular Institute. As the process may be different for each academic institution, please contact your school concerning the paperwork involved.
III. Part-time Research: Want to have research experience, but can’t get a research rotation and can’t rotate with at the Cardiovascular Institute? Contact us to talk about contributing to an existing project. Student from programs who are not currently affiliated with the Cardiovascular Institute are still encouraged to inquire.
For Participants:
Get involved in a study that will help health professionals improve care for hundreds of patients. Click here for more information on participating in a clinical trail. If you or anyone you know would like to participate in one of our ongoing clinical trials or you’d simply like to know more, please email or call us.