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“One aspect of Dr. Ben-Zur’s approach to patient care cannot adequately be assessed in a quantitative way: his empathy and compassion in the treatment of all of his patients. He is available to counsel and comfort his patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. His dedication to cardiology and patient care is truly exceptional. Indeed, he has not taken a vacation in many years. He is truly a doctor’s doctor. I recommend with great enthusiasm my colleague, Dr. Ben-Zur, for your medical care.”

Richard J. Pietras, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine, UCLA Medical Center – Division of Hematology and Oncology, at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA.
Director, Stiles Program in Integrative Oncology at the UCLA-Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center


“His intense caring for each of his patients is remarkable. His involvement extends to all aspects of their care. It is not surprising that his patients have enormous respect and affection for him.”

Hillel Laks, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Professor of Surgery, St. Louis University School of Medicine (1974-­1977)
Professor of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine (1977-­1980)
Professor, tenure, Director of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine (1980-­1981)
Professor and Chief, Cardiothoracic Surgery, UCLA Medical Center (1981-­present)


“Dr. Ben- Zur is proficient in the management of a large variety of cardiac procedures. He completed separate fellowships in cardiology, cardiac electrophysiology, interventional cardiology,and pacemaker/defibrillator implantation, which demonstrated a rare degree of dedication. He is careful and caring of his patients and is loved by his colleagues and trainees. Dr. Ben-Zur is a very dedicated learner and teacher.”

Seymour Furman, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.C.C.

Dr. Furman implanted the first transvenous pacemaker.

Frm. Professor of Surgery and Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York.

He has served as the president of the Heart Rhythm Society and as editor of the journal, Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology.


“Dr. Ben-Zur has excellent technical skills and judgment in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. He is responsible, well-read, thoughtful and compassionate.”

Paul S. Teirstein, M.D., F.A.C.C.
Director of Interventional Cardiology and founder of the Interventional Cardiology program at Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation

La Jolla, California


“He has a very intense interest and dedication to his field. Uri Ben-Zur, M.D. is a fine cardiologist with an unusual talent and skill combining expertise in both electrophysiology and devices.”

John D. Fisher, M.D., F.A.C.C.
Past President, Heart Rhythm Society. Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Bronx, New York


“I have worked with attending physicians, residents, medical students, and healthcare professionals over the past 17 years, and I have yet to encounter a physician with his level of dedication and passion for our profession.”

Eduardo A. Lopez, M.D.
Internal Medicine and Nephrology
Board Certified Hypertension Specialist


“It’s very comforting to know there are still physicians like you that care so much about their patients. You are a very unique person, and an amazing educator. You’re the best!”

Nojan Toomari, D.O.
General Surgeon and Bariatric Surgeon


“I will never forget one of Dr. Ben-Zur’s patients who had suffered a massive heart attack and needed intensive care for a very long time. This patient arrived at the hospital and went through open-heart surgery. He was in a critical state, and Dr. Ben-Zur stayed with im day and night until he recovered. You don’t see many doctors like that.”

Efrat Lobel, M.D.
Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology


 “My time at The Cardiovascular Institute with Dr. Ben-Zur was a life changing adventure that shaped my entire career: the most important experience in my life. I have traveled far since I left the warmth of his office, but I will always think of it as my real home.”

Olga Garshyna, M.D.
Internal Medicine and Hospital Medicine


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